Saturday, January 2, 2010

Curtains Finally!

Can you believe that for one year I have either lived with no curtains at all or those paper shades on my windows?

I know, you are all shrieking back with disgust.

I had to, you see, I did not want to settle on something I did not like, spent too much on and was waiting to get my feel of the house and it's rooms.

So, last week while out with a friend I found something I thought I might like for the living room AND I actually bought it. Then a few days later I actually bought the rod for it.

New year, new me I had the husband hang it up and VOILA a shaded room!
I love it! I cannot believe i took so long to actually get off my tush and find something. So much so I ran out and looked for curtains for our living room windows (big thing - one window is 135" and the other is 72"). I had originally bought the metal tie backs but decided against it. I am going to go with a black sash type of tie back, I just need to get the fabric this weekend (especially since I have my new sewing machine if need be).

I have realized that I want curtains, I think that they make the room softer. I want something neutral - I can spice it up with color the base should be neutral - I think?

I am excited. I am looking forward to doing this, along with another project I have in mind for that living room....


  1. Yeah for curtains!! We went an entire year with a blanket up in the spare room and nothing in the kitchen ~ so I did not gasp ~ I chuckled! Congrats to getting something checked off your to do list.

  2. Hey, good for you! They look nice. I still don't have shades or curtains up in our newly painted living room. Hopefully this month!

