Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How gorgeous is this?

How nice would it be to visit such a beautiful place like this? It is absolutely gorgeous.  After a day of rain, and I do mean a DAY of rain - nonstop.  I dream of going to a beautiful place like this, then my family and then my girlfriends.  Heck who's kidding I would love a getaway with anyone! (all pictures are courtesy of  The Mirror Lake Resort & Spa in Lake Placid).
How about a sunrise here?

This would possibly be my favorite place to stay

I love porches, something about them.  The thought of being able to sit there in the am with my coffee, in the afternoon with my cocktail or just plain hanging out with my friends or a good book.  I love them and always have.  Enjoy!


  1. OMG Ziz ~ if you decide to go I will join you. What a beautiful spot.... Maybe we can go there for our chicks reunion!

  2. Love the pics! I need a getaway...bad! It was a non-stop rainy day here, too. Ack!

    You can do it, you can run! I know you can!(I walk, cuz I'm an old woman!) But even walking is good. Going at a good clip is a great way to get your heart rate up. Either one you do is great fun and you'd love it!


  3. Gorgeous pics! I felt more peaceful just looking at them!

  4. Wonderful - the perfect spots to sit and cool down on a lovely summer evening!
