Sunday, July 31, 2011

{simple} Sundays

I am *trying* to simplify things around here.
I am *trying* to shed the crap stuff around our house.
I am *trying* to do it with the kids not harassing me to keep this or that.

Even though yesterday was Saturday I had to start somewhere but today I will do more and *try* to dedicate time on Sundays to purge and simplify.

I did manage to purge a box from the garage.  It's been there since we lived here (2 years) and if we have not touched that stuff in this time, well it's time to go.  Hubby thinks I am a hoarder, that I am not but I do tend to hold onto some things for "memories" and what I may need.  Eventually I do get rid of stuff.

BUT if he wants to talk about hoarding he should look at himself.  Do you know what he keeps?  The boxes from cell phones, The GPS we got 4 years ago, the iPod he got god knows when - you get what I mean.  It's time to get rid of all this stuff.

I want clean spaces.  Maybe when the kids are gone for the next two days I can get around to cleaning the playroom/guest room.  We shall see.

I really want to do this because every third Thursday the Bulk pick up in our town takes away everything.

What would you like to simplify?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

We {want}, we {need}

Okay, I grew up with a dog.  I love dogs.  My daughter LOVES dogs and so does my son.  My parents have a dog.  We all WANT, no Need a dog.  Notice someone is missing?  Hubby.  No Dog.  No way.  He does not want a dog.  How do we fix that?

We have a cat.  A BIG cat.  A BIG, NASTY cat.  She is mine.  I love her but she doesn't love anyone, well, maybe me from time to time.  Usually only for her long enough to like me then bite me but she sleeps with me.  The kids try to love her but she wants no part of it and Hubby - he does not like her.
Blogging Kitty

We sort of made an agreement years ago.  My hubby always says he needs to have some time without a pet (I had Lola before I met him so she has always been with us).  So, I said to the kids, when Lola dies we will wait 6 months and then we will get a dog.  He doesn't agree but last week when a friend's mom was fostering a puppy and I jokingly said, "meet our new dog."  He said, "we have an agreement."  So I made sure people recognized his commitment to our agreement.


We can't wait until the cat is gone. We want a dog now.  We need a dog now. Who doesn't want a dog?

from here

I go back and forth between wanting a medium/big dog and a small dog.  I would love to have a small dog to bring with us where we go and truly be a little lap dog.  But I also love the thought of rough housing with a big ole playful dog.

How do we get dad/hubby on board?  I brought the kids to our local pet shop and they played with the puppies Maya loves all dogs and Sam decided he wants a small dog, a Yorkie.  Just like his mom.

Now to work on dad/hubby.


Monday, July 18, 2011

New {love}

I have a few new loves.

First, I am in love with a new website that my friend invited me to: RueLaLa

It has discounts on designer duds and such.  I am not super designer shopper but I love a few brands and I am super loyal to the ones I love.  I also love some brands that I really can't afford and this site allows some of that.

Anyhoo, I have wanted a Michele watch for some time.  So expensive, they do have a cheaper line the Tahitian Jelly Line and last week they had them on sale.

I got one for me.  After I lost internet in my classroom (on my prep then lunch). The original one I wanted sold out FAST.  This is the one I got and I am so happy considering my Raymond Weil lost a diamond bezel on the one o'clock and now has to be repaired.  In any case I am happy and I got myself a little treat for working 683 this summer.

I just love it when we can treat ourselves every now and then.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summertime {fun}

Been real busy around here lately.

The kids are doing different things this summer, I am working at my school and we have been enjoying the sun.

Good Friends

Her first fish of the year

Enjoying the life


Enjoying a Mojito like mom (non-alcohol, of course)
Just a little taste of the goings on around here.  We hope you are doing the same.


Summertime Treat

I few weeks back I had seen, I think on Pinterest, a delicious idea so I just had to try it.  I did it and my dad added a little treat to it.

It is a nice twist on the standard Caprese Salad.

1 container grape tomatoes (I used about half)
1 container bocconcini(small mozzarella balls in whey or water)
Basil leaves whole (approximately 25)
Olive oil
salt and pepper
Balsamic Glaze ( My dad had Crema de Balsamico that my brother brought back from Spain)

Very easy assembly. Take the basil leaves, put one mozzarella ball, one grape tomato and spear together keeping them in the basil "boat".  When all done assembling, drizzle with Balsamic glaze, olive oil and add salt and pepper to taste.  It is so nice and easy for your guests to take one and pop it in their mouths. ENJOY!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fourth of July

The fourth of July is a big deal in our house, not only is it America's birthday it is my father in law's birthday too! We always go to the lake and have a fun filled weekend with family. This year my husband will not be here as he is working - obviously he is not happy.

My favorites are seeing the kids on the lake, swimming at the pool, lighting sparklers, hanging out with friends and family, sitting around the fire pit and of course, s'mores.

As you can see the kids have a great time. Hopefully I get some good pictures this year of the family fun.

Have a great weekend!