I was a new mom with a baby only 9 days old. It was supposed to be a joyous occasion this day, my son was to have his Bris, instead it was a very sad day. In our religion the Bris still goes on and then you change gears preparing to bury my brother.
My brother Michael.
The most wonderful human being out there, really. I don't just say iy because he is my brother but because he had a heart like no other. He loved and cared about everyone. He loved spending an afternoon with the old, retired people in old aged homes to hear about their lives, he stood up for the people who no one would stand up for, he loved history, his religion and his new nephew.
He was a typical teenager. You know at some point teenagers arevery self centered, it's just part of human nature, life is about them and their world. I had just had a baby and he called me out of the blue in the hospital on a Saturday night to chat. I was blown away. It meant so much to me. You see, my brother and I had a 13 year difference so there is little place for having something in common when you are younger. He was the annoying little brother and I am sure I was the bossy big sister but something changed the summer before he died. He was growing up.
It makes me so sad that my kids do not know him. He would have been a great uncle and they have a great uncle in my other brother but it would be nice if he was here too.
So, today, I am thankful that I have my baby brother watching over me and my children. I love him and miss him and I always will.

I love you little brother and miss you everyday.